Sunday, September 6, 2009

Why own a scale?

I do not own a scale. From time to time, I may be drug to Bed, Bath, and Beyond with the girlfriend and think to myself, "You know, maybe I should get a scale..." I eventually get back to a simple question. Why? Can someone tell me why anyone should own a scale? What is the difference between 185 and 188 lbs? It could be a ton of things.

Use a mirror. It is much more telling of results. It can show immediate results; it can show toning. It is a better picture.

If you are using a scale, you are very likely using it WAY to frequently, which I think is damaging. So if you have just eaten or need to have a BM, the scale will not indicate that when you have actually been good lately.

If you have a scale, hop on once every two weeks or month or something. Do not base your diet or exercise routine off of it.

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